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▶︎ November 25-27 2016: Tibetan Dream Yoga with Lama Vajranatha Stockholm. 

Register on this link:

Fore more information, go to the "Events section" on this site. 

Normally, we human beings spend at least a third of our lifetime in sleep and dreaming. Nevertheless, it is possible to engage in a dialogue with our dreams, receiving portents of the future, and even to become awake and self-aware in them awake and self-aware in our dreams and experience what is generally known as “lucid dreaming.” Becoming conscious in our dreams without awakening from sleep, we may come to find ourselves in control of our dream and be able to transform it, even practice meditation while asleep and journey in a dream-body to explore other worlds and dimensions of existence.

▶︎ July 19: Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche teaching and giving empowerments in Stockholm August 19-22. 

We are very pleased to learn that Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche comes to Stockholm in August between the 19 and the 22 to give teachings and empowerments.

Friday the 19th Green wealth Tara empowerment 
Saturday the 20th dream yoga teachings 
Sunday the 21 st dzogchen teachings from Rinpoches personal experience. 
Monday the 22nd Milarepa empowerment.

For more info and registration contact

▶︎ CANCELLED: April 21: Jhampa Shaneman to give initiation and teachings on Yamantaka, May 8-14 2017 in Stockholm. 

About Lama Jhampa Shaneman

One of the first western Buddhist monks in the Tibetan tradition of Mahayana Buddhism, Jhampa met Ven. Lama Yeshe and became his first male ordained sangha member in 1971.  From that time Jhampa studied mainly in Dharmsala, India, learning the Tibetan language and studying under such masters as His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, His Holiness's senior tutor and the Ven. Geshe Rabten and Geshe Dhargaye.  Over the next 10 years in India he was introduced to many tenants of Buddhism interspersing this with periods of meditational retreat.  He also had the opportunity to study with Masters of all 4 sects of Tibetan Buddhism and teachers of Vipassanna and Zen Buddhism.  By 1980 he had completed 6 years of study of the sutras and tantras and approximately 4 years of short retreats such as the four preliminaries and several deities.  In the fall of 1980 Jhampa entered the traditional great retreat and spent the next three and a half-year on the mountain above Dharmsala, India, under the guidance of Ven. Ling Rinpoche.  Upon completing that he returned to Canada and established Thubten Choling Dharma center.

Jhampa is no longer an ordained monk.  He is a lay Buddhist practitioner.  He is one of the first western practitioners to be given permission by His Holiness to teach all levels of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.  His talks are spiced with humorous and fascinating anecdotes of his experiences of transforming a western mind to grip the Buddhist perspective.  Being born and raised in the west gives Jhampa's way of sharing the insights of the east a uniquely relevant twist.     

▶︎ March 29: New research project on ngöndro practice among Western householders

We are now launching a new research project: "Ngöndro practice among Western householders". Accomplishing ngöndro takes a couple of thousand hours of practice, and fitting it into everyday life is a major challenge for many practitioners. The aim of this project is to gather the precious experiences of practitioners doing this, and then share it in a paper for free distribution. Tips, ideas, and suggestions from these practitioners should be able to be generalised for any serious and substantial practice regimen. 

The first part of this independent research consists of a survey, which can be found here:

This survey will be followed up by the conducting of interviews with selected practitioners. Anyone who is living in a modern life style setting, and who is doing ngöndro is welcome to fill out the survey. 

▶︎ March 28: Very interesting and important research on the differences in different types of Buddhist meditations

▶︎ March 20: We are very, very thrilled that Chagdud Khadro has accepted our invitation to come to Stockholm to teach P'howa, April 23-24.  

More information here

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